Campia Turzii, Laminoristilor 2, cod 405100
Tel. +40 264 368 001 ; +40 264 368 002 ; fax +40 264 365467

Mesaj de condoleante catre orasul infratit Bayramic-Turcia

In numele locuitorilor municipiului Campia Turzii, ne exprimam compasiunea fata de dragii nostri prieteni, locuitorii orasului infratit Bayramic.

Stimate D-le Ismail Sakin Tuncer, 
primar al orasului Bayramic
In calitate de oras infratit cu Bayramic, municipiul Campia Turzii nu poate sta indiferent fata de cetatenii Dvs. in aceste momente de tragedie determinate de decesul intr-un grav accident rutier al consilierilor locali D-ul Reşit Tumer si D-ul Mehmet Özer.
Relatiile dintre orasele noastre infratite s-au dezvoltat in ultimii ani si prin intermediul acestor relatii am avut oportunitatea de a cunoaste mai bine locuitorii orasului si de a fi mai aproape de acestia.
Transmitem sincere condoleante cetatenilor orasului Bayramic si celor doua familii indoliate.

Message of condolence to twinning town Bayramic –Turkey

On behalf of the citizens of the Municipality Câmpia Turzii, we express our compassion for our dear friends, the citizens of the twinned town Bayramic.
Dear Mr. Ismail Sakin Tuncer,
Mayor of the town Bayramic
As a twinned town with Bayramic, the Municipality of Câmpia Turzii  can not stay indifferent to your citizens in this time of tragedy determinated of death in a serious accident of the local councilors Mr. Reşit Tumer and Mr. Mehmet Özer.
Relations between our twinned cities developed in recent years and through these relationships we had opportunity to know better the citizens of the town Bayramic and to be closer to them.
We give our sincere condolences to the citizens of the town Bayramic and the both grieving families. May their perfect souls rest in peace.


22 Iunie 2012
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